WhistlePig The Badonkadonk 25 Year Old Single Malt Whiskey 750ml


SKU: 9D181B12 Category:

The crowning glory in our collection of super-aged N. American Single Malt, matured more than twice as long as any other on the continent. Hijacked by the hands of fate and fortune, to whisper wisdom collected over a quarter century, while simultaneously it shouts: “Stand aside, adversaries of old!”
To round out the mouthwatering character of The Badönkådonk, complete our grail quest, and best the Scots, WhistlePig joined forces with an ally in American Oak and fellow ringleader of the new wine and whiskey world order. Barrels from Silver Oak’s Alexander Valley Cabernet barrels lend notes of stone fruits, cedar wood, and transcendental tastiness. Take our word for it, or ask John Cleese.


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